Progressive Medical Fitness Physical Therapy

Progressive Medical Fitness ACL-Rehab-r85-1024x683 ACL Rehab

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is part of the knee joint and if harshly twisted in the wrong way can be injured or torn. Athletes, particularly those who participate in sports such as gymnastics, football, soccer, tennis, or downhill skiing are at higher risk for ACL tears. These, and other sports, that require sudden stops and pivots in direction, increase the risk for twisting the knee and sustaining an ACL injury.

Injury or tears to the ACL can be debilitating and painful. Those suffering from ACL injury and tears report severe pain, swelling, instability when trying to bear weight, and a decreased range of motion. Fortunately, our Progressive Medical Fitness physical therapy team can help relieve the pain and limited mobility that are symptoms of your ACL injury.

Benefits of ACL rehabilitation program 

ACL prevention and rehabilitation programs have been shown to be effective, helping athletes both on the field, and also during training. Our Northport, NY physical therapy team is dedicated to helping patients recover from their ACL injuries, and lowering their risk for further, future injury. If you would like to discover the benefits our Progressive Medical Fitness ACL Rehabilitation program holds for you, contact our office today. Our highly trained physical therapy team will help you on your journey to regaining your optimum physical function!

Your physical therapist will conduct a thorough physical exam and run the necessary diagnostic tests to develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Manual therapy, ice and heat therapies, ultrasound, or targeted exercises are a few of the methods that may be included in your treatment plan. The goal of the choice of methods is to provide relief and rehabilitation.

Start your journey to recovery!

Contact Progressive Medical Fitness in Northport, NY to schedule an appointment if you have suffered an injury and are in need of rehabilitation services. We will help you take the first steps on your path toward recovery and long-lasting relief!