Progressive Medical Fitness Physical Therapy
Progressive Medical Fitness Joint-Mobilization-1024x683 Joint Mobilization
Mobilize Your Joints and Get Moving Once Again!

Are You in Need of Our Joint Mobilization Services?

Joint mobilization is an effective treatment option, yet is not widely-known by patients. Fortunately, joint mobilization is a type of manual therapy performed here at our Northport Progressive Medical Fitness physical therapy clinic.

Your highly-trained physical therapist uses their hands to guide an affected joint or may employ tools, for example; straps, to aid the joint toward mobility.

Joint mobilization harnesses the passive movement of your joints through skilled application of technique, gentle force, and direction.

Contact Progressive Medical Fitness today for more information on our joint mobilization techniques, and how they can benefit your condition.

Joint Mobilization Facts

Formed by the connecting surfaces of two or more bones, joints are dependent on a combination of stability and mobility to keep your body functioning efficiently and comfortably.

Joints are supported by a wide variety of soft tissue structures including muscle groups, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and capsules. Any of these body structures can suffer an injury and potentially benefit from physical therapy treatments, such as joint mobilization.

Your body is comprised of hundreds of joints. Each is unique in function and composition. For example, your elbow is a “hinge joint,” your hip a “ball and socket joint,” and your thumb is a “saddle joint.”

Several factors effect the decisions to incorporate joint mobilization as part of your treatment plan. Once the decision is made to include joint mobilization as a treatment, there are further specifications as to the type, magnitude, speed, and frequency of joint mobilization performed. Each depends on several factors, specific to your condition – the goal of treatment, the type of target joint, and even your own unique anatomy.

Pain reduction, improved range of motion, and improved quality of joint movement itself (known as arthrokinematics) are just a few of the benefits of joint mobilization treatment.

Benefits of joint mobilization

Our joints perform an important role in our mobility and ability to perform a variety of tasks. Injury, stress, poor posture, repetitive movement, overuse stress, and even age-related wear and tear take a toll on our joints. As a result, a joint can become irritated, swollen, or misaligned.

Consequently, the joint may not articulate precisely and may become stiff and painful. Surrounding support structures (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) may overcompensate for the weakened joint. Over time, this overcompensation leads to further damage such as muscle weakness or even impingement and damage to nearby nerves.

Joint mobilization is only one treatment option and is not appropriate for all patients. Our skilled and highly trained physical therapy team can determine it this technique should be a part of your treatment plan.

Our physical therapy team is able to successfully manage the following conditions with joint mobilizations:

  • Arthritis (especially of the shoulder, spine, elbow, hip, and knee)
  • Golfer’s or tennis elbow (Medial or lateral epicondylitis, respectively)
  • Frozen shoulder (Adhesive capsulitis)
  • Rotator cuff tears and sprains
  • Ankle sprains
  • Sciatica and other types of nerve impingement syndromes
  • Spinal misalignments (for example, facet joint locking)
  • Whiplash

Undiagnosed joint ailments are often the underlying factor leading to a myriad of overuse/stress injuries such as muscle strains, ligament damage, and bursitis. We strongly encourage you to consult with a member of our licensed physical therapy team at Progressive Medical Fitness for any type of acute or chronic dysfunction.

Unbeknownst to you, your joints could be responsible for the pain you are experiencing!

A typical treatment session

If you seek treatment at Progressive Medical Fitness for acute or chronic joint pain, our first step in the process is a thorough physical evaluation during your initial examination. We will assess your range of motion, strength, coordination, pain level, posture, and even relative tissue tension in order to develop an accurate diagnosis.

Using a combination of your assessment findings, and a deep understanding through an in-depth discussion of your medical history, we will develop a personalized treatment plan to address your unique condition.

If your condition warrants manual therapy, joint mobilization techniques may be considered as part of your treatment plan.

Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing for your joint mobilization treatment session at Progressive Medical Fitness. As this is a manual form of therapy – your therapist will need to be able to see or at least easily palpate (feel) the specific joint they are mobilizing. Your privacy and comfort during a treatment session are of utmost concern to our caring physical therapy team members.

Your physical therapist will provide guidance during the session, on how to sit or lie down, expectations as to how your joint should feel, as well as any follow-ups post-treatment to maximize effects and prevent recurring pain or future re-injury.

As a complement to joint mobilization treatments, we will also offer you additional services, such as therapeutic strengthening exercises, range of motion exercises, modalities, and postural and neuromuscular retraining.

Start on the path to pain-free mobility today!

If joint mobilization sounds like a treatment option you would like to explore, request an appointment with our caring and licensed physical therapy team at Progressive Medical Fitness in Northport, NY. We offer a wide range of physical therapy services to enhance your mobility.

Drug-free relief from your joint or muscle pain is possible without surgery. Begin your journey toward healing today.