Progressive Medical Fitness Physical Therapy

Progressive Medical Fitness Rotator-Cuff-Rehab-r85-1024x683 Rotator Cuff Rehab

The muscles and tendons surrounding your shoulder joint are called the rotator cuff. Repetitive overhead motions can lead to a torn or injured rotator cuff. Sports, such as tennis and some careers, such as carpentry, carry a higher degree of risk of rotator cuff injury. Rotator cuff injuries are commonly referred to as a “torn shoulder.” Symptoms often include a dull ache deep in the shoulder, arm weakness, difficulty reaching behind the back, and disturbed sleep due to pain. Heal your rotator cuff injury with natural and non-invasive physical therapy at Progressive Medical Fitness.

While severe rotator cuff injuries may require surgery, many cases respond well to physical therapy treatments alone. “A recent study from Finland asserts that when it comes to treatment of nontraumatic rotator cuff tears, physical therapy alone produces results equal to those produced by arthroscopic surgery and open surgical repair,” as stated by the American Physical Therapy Association. As a follow-up to this study, 167 patients received only physical therapy to treat rotator cuff injuries. The healing experienced by this group of patients demonstrated that conservative treatment, such as physical therapy, should be considered as the primary treatment for this condition.

Benefits of rotator cuff rehab 

Our certified physical therapy team at Progressive Medical Fitness will conduct a thorough physical assessment and diagnostic tests to determine if you have a rotator cuff tear. A targeted treatment plan will be designed to address your specific needs. Your physical therapist will employ state-of-the-art techniques to relieve your pain by reducing swelling and improving function. Your personalized treatment plan may include physical therapy modalities such as ice and heat therapies, manual therapy, or ultrasound. An exercise and stretching regime may also be designed to improve your posture and the range of motion of your shoulder.

Start your journey toward pain-free days today

If you are suffering from a rotator cuff injury, contact our certified Progressive Medical Fitness physical therapy team for much-needed relief. You need not shoulder the pain alone any longer.