Progressive Medical Fitness Physical Therapy
Progressive Medical Fitness Neck-Pain-Relief-1024x683 Neck Pain Relief
Physical Therapy can relieve Neck Pain that is inhibiting your daily life.

Neck pain can be debilitating and extremely uncomfortable, leading to changes in your daily routine.  Particularly if the pain radiates from your neck to your shoulders.

Each year, nearly a third of the population will suffer from neck pain, according to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Untreated neck pain can worsen and in some severe cases, require surgery.

From driving to conversations, your neck is an essential part of everyday movement. Sharp pains in your neck can impede proper function in your daily life.

If your neck pain is affecting areas of your life such as being on the phone or simple daily routines such as getting dressed and tying your shoes, physical therapy can provide relief so that you can get back to ordinary activity pain-free.

Physical therapy allows thousands of people to find relief from their neck pain and return to a normal level of activity.

Fortunately, our Northport physical therapy specialists can provide much needed relief for your neck pain.

Physical therapy is able to relieve neck pain.

Physical therapy is one of the best treatments for limitations due to neck pain. At Progressive Medical Fitness our physical therapy specialists will analyze the range of motion in your neck and physical limitations with a thorough physical evaluation.

Our physical therapists will diagnosis your neck pain and design an individualized treatment strategy. You will work as a team to create goals for each step of your specialized treatment strategy. Your shared focus will be to eliminate neck pain and resume normal daily activity as quickly as possible.

Neck stiffness, inflammation and impediments to range of motion will be improved through treatments such as “hands-on” or manual therapy. Our physical therapy team is educated in the most current, specialized techniques.

Our Northport physical therapy team will also design a uniquely targeted exercise regiment that will develop and strengthen the muscles and tissues in your neck.

Our focus will be on developing proper posture to benefit your neck muscles, as well as averting future injury. Your individualized recovery plan may include additional treatments such as ice and heat therapy, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation.

Symptoms of neck pain

While the experience of neck pain differs for each individual, it often radiates from the base of their skull to the top of their shoulder blades, ultimately residing in the back of the neck. Neck pain results from many reasons.

The experience of neck pain can vary in severity, from tenderness to a nonstop, dull soreness to sharp, stabbing spasms. Neck pain can also lead to additional symptoms, such as:

  • Headaches.
  • Sleep disturbance due to pain and discomfort.
  • Numbness in the arms and shoulders.
  • Tingling or the feeling of “pins and needles” in the hands and fingers.
  • Weakness in the limbs.
  • Inability to fully stand up or sit up straight.
  • Upper body stiffness.
  • Discomfort and pain when motionless.

Common causes of neck pain

The most common cause of neck pain is injury to the muscles and tendons or bones of the neck. In some cases, certain degenerative conditions can also lead to neck pain.

Some of the common conditions that may cause neck pain include:


The most common injury that results in neck pain is whiplash, generally sustained in a car or high-impact sports collision. This common “strain” injury, is caused by the head rapidly “whipping” back-and-forth, straining the muscles and tendons in the back of the neck.

Muscle strain

Overuse can strain the muscles in your neck causing pain. People who work at a computer for most of the day are often at risk for straining the muscles of the neck due to craning your head to lean in closer to the computer screen.


Neck pain can result from diseases, such as, but not limited to rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, or cancer.

Pinched Nerve

A herniated disc occurs in the neck due to lifting, pulling, bending or twisting movements. A disk herniates when the jelly-like center bulges out toward the spinal canal and puts pressure on the sensitive nerve root. The nerves that branch out from your spinal cord can become compressed or irritated, commonly referred to as a “pinched nerve”. In the case of cervical radiculopathy, nerve pain radiates from the neck down the arm to the hands and fingers. This can also cause muscle weakness and numbness.

Spinal Degeneration

As the body ages, the cervical spine or neck bones can erode leading to pain. Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage in between the discs of the neck wears down and the joints no longer glide smoothly during movement.

Get started on relieving your neck pain TODAY

Contact Progressive Medical Fitness to begin your path to pain-free daily life today.

For additional information and an appointment, contact our Northport office.