Progressive Medical Fitness Physical Therapy
Progressive Medical Fitness Foot-and-Ankle-Pain-Relief-1024x683 Foot and Ankle Pain Relief
Relief for Foot and Ankle Pains

Get back on your feet with Foot and Ankle Pain Relief

We all spend a lot of time every day on our feet, and if you are suffering from foot and ankle pain, simple daily tasks can be a drag. Foot and ankle pain can make you want to avoid exercise, make the stairs agonizing and make errands difficult and painful.

Foot and ankle pain can be caused by a variety of different conditions, but Progressive Medical Fitness can get you back on your feet.

Physical therapy has been proven to help provide relief for both acute and chronic pain experienced due to injured extremities.

Contact our Progressive Medical Fitness physical therapy team today to investigate how treatment can your restore your normal daily life today!

Physical therapy addresses foot/ankle pain

Whether you have experienced an acute injury or chronic condition in your foot or ankle, Progressive Medical Fitness is able to treat your pain and help you find relief.

Our Northport physical therapy team will conduct a thorough assessment to identify the cause if your pain. Your physical therapist will then design an individualized treatment plan to address your specific condition.

Your individualized treatment plan will include a combination of natural, noninvasive techniques to relieve your pain. Examples include, specialized hands-on therapy methods, strength-building exercises and stretches, and exercises on a balance board or other specialized exercise equipment. The goal of this regime is to restore proper joint motion, improve balance, strengthen the foot and ankle muscles and boost circulation in this crucial joint.

We will also interview you about your lifestyle and medical history to recommend lifestyle changes or orthotic footwear to prevent future re-injury.

Complex body structures are at higher risk of injury  

Do you avoid bearing weight equally on both sides of your body due to severe pain in your foot or ankle? Have you found yourself hopping around or stuck in a chair waiting for your pain to diminish? Has your normal routine of exercise or errands been impacted? Do you feel as if you have had to limit your daily life to accommodate the pain you are experiencing?

The foot and ankle joint are a team of complex mechanical structures that must work together for optimal functioning.

The ankle joint is a hinge joint comprised of three bones that must properly interact with one another and the connective tissues that hold the joint together for optimal functioning.

The foot is even more complex and bears the weight of the entire body. The foot contains 28 bones, 30 joints, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 

The complexity of these crucial structures and the great reliance we have on them each day, puts those areas at higher risk of injury and pain.

Causes of foot/ankle pain

The onset of foot and ankle pain can be sudden due to an acute injury, or it can develop over time due to an underlying condition or chronic repetitive stress injury.

There are a multitude of common causes of foot pain and ankle pain. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of these include:


Arthritis causes inflammation and pain in the joints. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the common types of arthritis. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can greatly impact the joints of the foot and ankle.

Sprains and strains

When a ligament is overstretched or torn the resulting injury is referred to as a sprain. A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is injured due to being overstretched.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome

When the tibial nerve (the nerve that runs from the ankle to the foot) becomes pinched and inflamed the resulting condition is called Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.


A fracture describes the crack or break that occurs from excessive force or trauma to the bone. Proper healing of a foot or ankle fracture could result in weeks of limited mobility.

Plantar fasciitis

When the connective tissue, or fascia, on the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed, this condition is known as Plantar Fasciitis. This condition commonly occurs from overuse and repetitive stress, such as poor posture, constant standing, or the lack of proper arch support of your footwear.


The bursa are fluid-filled sacs that cushion and lubricate joints and bones. When tendons rub against the bursa, causing irritation and discomfort, bursitis is the resulting condition.


When tendons become inflamed due to excessive overuse, this condition is referred to as tendinitis.

Fallen arches

The arch of your foot is formed by several tendons working together. When the tendons are pulling together in proper unison, a normal arch is formed on the underside of the foot. However, when the tendons do not pull together properly, the normal arch shape will lower over time, sometimes becoming entirely flat. This is commonly referred to as “fallen arch” or “flat foot” and can cause secondary symptoms such as pain.

Get back on your feet today

Don’t let foot and ankle pain get you down! Our Progressive Medical Fitness physical therapy team will help you get control back from the pain of foot and ankle ailments. Begin your treatment plan today to re-establish your own mobility, comfort, and lifestyle, free from the limitations of pain.

Request your appointment with our Northport physical therapy team to begin taking the first steps toward recovery and living a pain-free life.