Progressive Medical Fitness Physical Therapy

Progressive Medical Fitness Post-Mastectomy-Program-1024x683 Post-Mastectomy Program

Post-mastectomy care at Progressive Medical Fitness is not only caring but also cutting edge. Our dedicated physical therapy team will use state-of-the-art methods so you may regain your lifestyle and normal daily life. Many women experience pain and difficulty moving the arm of the affected side of the body after a mastectomy and/or reconstruction. This may limit your ability to get back to your normal day to day life. Post-operative scar tissue and/or lymphededema, is often the cause of the pain and difficulty with movement. 

Your physical therapist is highly trained and experienced in techniques to relieve your pain. The Graston Technique® is a method of soft tissue mobilization that reduces pain and improves mobility through breaking down scar tissue and reducing inflammation. Your physical therapist may include The Graston Technique as part of your personalized treatment plan to effectively and efficiently restore your proper shoulder girdle mobility to get you back to the activities you love with no pain or discomfort. 

Additionally, the Graston treatment can notably improve the cosmesis of the scar, and the mobility of the breast tissue. Plastic surgeons refer patients solely for these remarkable effects. You can discover more about the Graston Technique® or post-mastectomy physical therapy by contacting our Progressive Medical Fitness office today.